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This Unit Plan focusses on the content descriptions for Foundation to Year 2 in Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. It focuses on developing students skills of computational thinking and an awareness of personal experiences using digital systems by combining Knowledge and Understanding descriptions with Processes and production skills. The two content descriptions include:

·         Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose and,

·         Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems.

Students recognise, explore and discuss digital systems such as cameras, IPads and computer programs, which are used in everyday situations. They then reflect on their learning by describing how technologies are a big part of our lives.

Students enhance their understandings through using and manipulating digital systems such as cameras and computer programs and discussing findings with peers. By the end of the unit students will be able to write a sequence of instructions that explain how to take a picture using a digital camera or IPad.


Unit Plan designed around incorparting Digital Technologies into the classroom. 

Content Descriptions Foundation to Year 2 


Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)


Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)


Unit Plan 

Task Sheet


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